O'Neill/Bellview Family Recipes

Along with Frugal and Helpful Tips

History Repeats Itself

My grandparents and other family members lived through The Great Depression. They had to really struggle to keep food on the table for their families. Whether it was picking dandelion greens to cook or baking a cake that only took one egg to make, they made do with what they could. I learned a lot of things from some of them, and also from vintage cookbooks of the era. Post-Pandemic, things are looking pretty scary because of how our food supplies were altered. There are also repercussions from farms and food manufacturers. This is due to the restrictions that were in place, layoffs, and plant closures. Things are still not back where they ought to be. Now inflation is driving up food prices to levels where many people cannot afford good, healthy foods. I think it's time we looked back in history and learn how many people survived. Of course back in the time of The Depression, most people could have a small vegetable garden. Many housing rules do not allow that these days, not even container gardens! People also don't have the time to keep up a garden either. My hope is to help people find some of the old recipes and techniques that kept families fed.

There are many tricks and tips that our frugal and thrifty ancestors used. Here are some to try yourself.

Frugal Tips- Click Below

Frugal Tips